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October 13, 2012


Yes we moved our blog to our new website!

Then you go to: Blog to find your weekly or monthly update.

All the previous posts also have been moved!

October 1, 2012

Cool Video. Check it out.

From our Russian and Latvia friends, we received this video from last summer. We had a tough year for the king salmon. The run this year was only 50% OF THE NORMAL SIZE!
I have to thank them for making this nice and cool video.

Grab a cup of coffee and enjoy!

September 23, 2012

We are renovating the lodge.

We have been renovating our Lodge! Below you can see the result of a winters hard work. Now we will be expanding the lodge and almost double the size of the square footage.
We are not a HIGH END Lodge. Just a nice cozy lodge that understands the basic needs of our fly fishing guests. A clean Lodge, good food and serenity. 

Perfect conditions on the Skeena river

I was fishing with my buddy and guide line pro staff Jaap and we had a great time on the Skeena River.
Here are just a view pictures of fish we landed. That is why we fish the Skeena River!

August 25, 2012

Steelhead fever!

It continues to be a great week for steelheading. We lost some monsters and we landed some very big fish to!
We had the pleasure of guiding our returning clients and new clients. And they all landed steelhead.
Mik from Denmark who is a a pro staff and employee of A.Jensen fly rods landed the biggest steelhead of this season, a 25 pound buck just a couple days from the ocean! Mik lost even a bigger fish then this one! Yes the big ones always get away. He was field testing some new rods that will be on the market next spring. And boy they where tested! There is no better place on earth or lab to test these rods then the Skeena river!

Now our season for summer run steelhead ends, and we are looking forward to the remote steelhead camp! This camp has a special place in my heart, just the beauty of the changing colours are worth it to be here.
Mik With the biggest one of the season that has been landed.
Returning client Dick with a nice Skeena steelhead.
Returning client Gert with a nice steelhead.
Mik field testing the new A. Jensen Anadrom double handed rod. Yep it works!
Fighting a nice fish on the 11 foot A. jensen switch rod.
A very strong chrome bullet landed on the A. Jensen 11 foot switch rod. Skeena approved!
Peer with a 38 inch chrome bullet.
When the clients are having a break i had the chance to make a view casts. The result was this nice 22 pound buck.

Hopefully the fall will be as spectacular as this summer has been!

August 16, 2012

Steelhead fishing is still fantastic!

The last 2 weeks where very hot, with some very hot steelhead, and some very hot weather.

Here you can see the sea lice still attached to the fish. They do not come fresher then this.
We also have a facebook page for our fans.

August 14, 2012

New Lodge record!

We have a new Lodge record Chinook. It was to heavy to lift it out of the water. Not chrome but still a magnificent creature that needs to handled with respect and care. This one will produce a lot of kings!
Congratulations to Bruce who was the lucky angler and to Derek!

August 11, 2012

August steelhead!

Well after a hectic 4 weeks of battling chums we are in full swing for Skeena river steelhead! It is the most spectacular time of the year! You will never loose so manny steelhead like lower skeena steelhead! The jump, cart wheel en go absolutely ballistic! So the chance of landing one is prity slim. But when you do yoi will have a real trophy! And the best part is some have sea lice! Do you have even caught or seen a steelhead with sea lice???

This is why we fly fish the lower skeena!

July 9, 2012

Here they are!

Here they are some nice pictures from hot and chrome chinooks caught in the previous weeks.
The reason why i start posting later then normal is that i have been to busy guiding and we have to protect our rivers! We had a difficult beginning with high and dirty water so conditions where very tough. But we managed to hook kings every day on the fly. We lost some monsters that broke us off. Wrecked 2 fly reels etc. From now on i will start posting less pictures about the chinook fly fishing. I see a change, and that means there will be more pressure on the fragile rivers. So yes i will post pics ones in a while or maybe just 1 fish pic but not like last year that we show a whole bunch of pics every week. I know you guys like to see them, but we already have guys following us around to find out where we fish and how. So if you fish with us you want to enjoy your fishing right! So that is why we have be smart and don't publish everything we know. We work our asses off to get you into a fish of a life time! enjoy the pics! The 2013 season is almost fully booked! So if you would like to fish with us hurry up before we are again fully booked!!! Give Ken Morrish from a call to book your trip of a life time!

June 17, 2012

The essence of fly fishing.

Just some pictures from last week that capture the essence of fly fishing! Next week i will post some chinook pics but first enjoy where fly fishing is all about. 

May 17, 2012

End of spring steelhead season!

The last week was the best of the entire steelhead spring season!!! So that confirmed my suspission that the steelhead where late this year. I have seen in in 2007 when we had a similar snow pack and spring. Max was our only client last week and the fishing was very good. He lost several big fish but we lost a Buck in the high twenties close by the net. We had to chase this fish a couple hundred yards down the river. At this moment there are still a lot of steelhead coming up the river, but now they will have a break. So you never know when they show up, they have there own agenda and we just have to deal wit that. Sometimes it is frustrating when you know there is no fish, you come back a week or so and there they are! There is nothing so unpredictable as spring steelhead because they do not stay in the river like there summer run causins.
No we are looking forward to our Chinook salmon salmons (king) and that is my favourite time of the year. We will see broken rods, reel, backing, lines etc. This is the time it looks more like big game fishing then fly fishing! But before we start i will be making a pilot trip to our new guide destination here in BC. What can i tell you about this secretive trout destination? Not much. But it is a super remote lake close to the Yukon border where we have giant rainbow trout! So when we get back, a nice trip report will follow on our blog with info and booking dates. It is a small window that we can catch these big trout so space is only limited to 8 anglers!

I landed the last fish of the season.
 Max from Argentina hooked a good number of steelhead. Here he holds a super fresh hen just from the salt!
Yes this picture is taken May 10th! There is still over 4 feet of snow on the banks on this secret river.

May 6, 2012

BC chrome!

We had 2 weeks of tough fishing! The Skeena blew out 2 weeks to early! And the cold spring delayed the spring run, we finally got a good push of steelhead! Fly fishing for spring steelhead is always tough and considered the pinnacle of fly fishing.
 Bill and Derek with a nice buck.
Hans and derek with a nice hen.
Keith with a BIG buck.
Brian with a hot hen.
Hans with a nice buck.

A very nice big hen for HAns. He is on fire.
Jacob with a very hot hen.

April 30, 2012

Going remote with a heli!

We did a remote exploration trip to a helicopter only river. The river was a bit low and there was almost no steelhead in the river. We only saw 1 fish. But it was fun to raft down in complete wilderness. We did see moose and other wild life that made this trip a success. We have a strange year, the steelhead run is smaller than normal and they are very late! Maybe it is the long winter, the huge amount of snow, r the cold water! But they are not here in the numbers they should have been.
Difficult to see but you can see a 20 pound Buck steelhead laying in the sun. We did not manage to catch this fish. But it was sure fun to try!